Saturday, February 16, 2008

How to Lose Love Handles: Flat Tummy

What woman doesn’t dream of having a stomach without love handles? While it may take some time, that dream can come true without spending hours at the gym, something most of us just don’t have the time for. Just doing the right exercises every day can give you a nice flat tummy and most of them can be incorporated into your every day routine.

How to Lose Love Handles: Exercising Ten Minutes a Day

Shower Flexes – 2 min.

While rinsing off in the shower, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and place your hands on your hips. Keeping your hips and lower body still, lean back slightly with your upper body. You should see your stomach flatten a little. Do twenty reps, upping the number every week or so. This is extremely simple to do, but it really does help tone those muscles!

Crunches – 5 min.

There’s no getting out of it, but crunches don’t have to be a chore. Try mixing them up a bit. Don’t stick to regular up and down crunches, try side to side and twisting crunches to change up the routine. By changing, you also give different areas of your stomach a workout. Crunches are perfect for coffee breaks or right after you wake up. If you don’t want to do them all at once, try doing five mini workouts of one minute each throughout the day.

Twists – 1 min.

Twists don’t work right on your stomach muscles, they actually work on your obliques, the muscles running down your sides. Having these muscles nice and toned will help define your stomach, so they are worth doing... plus, they are simple and easy to do! Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and cross your arms in front of your body. Twist all the way to the right, then all the way to the left. Do this for a minute day, any time, anywhere. To up the intensity, hold your arms out in front of you, then bend at the elbow so your forearm is at right angles to your upper arm. Twist with your arms in this position, and hold soup cans to add some extra oomph to the workout.

Jumping Jacks – 2 min.

Even if you have super toned abs, the fat on top of them can create an unsightly bump. Bringing your body fat level down can be done with a little cardio and some healthy eating choices. To boost your metabolism and help burn fat, jumping jacks are ideal. You can do them just about anywhere, as well. Running in place can be substituted for this on alternate days if you get bored of jumping jacks.

By doing these easy exercises each day, you’ll find that your stomach will get flatter fairly fast and love handles will disappear. Eating healthier and cutting back on refined sugars and fats will help you reach your goal of having a flat tummy even faster.

Jason Ladock

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