Saturday, February 16, 2008

Best Ways to Lose Weight

Overweight can cause a lot of troubles to one personally alongside other health related issues. Studies have shown that overweight invariably leads to health issues such as hypertension, cardiac troubles, sleep apnea and diabetes. Further, being obese could hamper one’s freedom to move, run, or sit comfortably in a standard chair. The only way out of this mess is to shed those extra pounds around your waist by embracing some healthy weight loss diet plan and follow it religiously. In the following paragraphs, you’ll see few important tips that could help one effectively reduce his/her weight to healthier proportions.

Every healthy weight loss diet plan proposed by dieticians and nutritionists starts with a simple suggestion – reduce the food intake to the optimum amount. But it is the most difficult of the things to implement and it will take a lot of mental effort from your side to tune your mind to say NO to victuals.

Reducing the food all in a sudden could adversely affect one’s health. Hence reduction in food intake also means adopting a healthier and balanced diet schedule. As a rule of thumb, embrace a healthy weight loss diet plan that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products and whole grains, alongside drinking lots of water, at least 8-10 glasses a day. It would be prudent to chart a healthy weight loss diet plan for oneself than following text book quick weight loss programs such as Mediterranean diet, Hollywood diet, lemonade diet or slim fast diet.

And finally, backup your efforts with a strict fitness regime to burn away those extra calories from the body. Make it a practice to spend 30 min in the gym daily. A short stroll in the garden or in the street in the evening is also is advisable.

To conclude, whichever healthy weight loss diet plan you choose, it will be hard work overall – both physical and mental – to shed those extra kilos you have gained over the years by hard eating. But the end result is worth all the efforts put in. And that will be a test of your mental resolve as well.

Oliver Turner

Hi, my name is Oliver Turner. I have been hiring people who have a phenomenal expertise to get the right data, make the right research and give you only the right knowledge you need to know on various subjects. Check it out on

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How to Lose Love Handles: Flat Tummy

What woman doesn’t dream of having a stomach without love handles? While it may take some time, that dream can come true without spending hours at the gym, something most of us just don’t have the time for. Just doing the right exercises every day can give you a nice flat tummy and most of them can be incorporated into your every day routine.

How to Lose Love Handles: Exercising Ten Minutes a Day

Shower Flexes – 2 min.

While rinsing off in the shower, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and place your hands on your hips. Keeping your hips and lower body still, lean back slightly with your upper body. You should see your stomach flatten a little. Do twenty reps, upping the number every week or so. This is extremely simple to do, but it really does help tone those muscles!

Crunches – 5 min.

There’s no getting out of it, but crunches don’t have to be a chore. Try mixing them up a bit. Don’t stick to regular up and down crunches, try side to side and twisting crunches to change up the routine. By changing, you also give different areas of your stomach a workout. Crunches are perfect for coffee breaks or right after you wake up. If you don’t want to do them all at once, try doing five mini workouts of one minute each throughout the day.

Twists – 1 min.

Twists don’t work right on your stomach muscles, they actually work on your obliques, the muscles running down your sides. Having these muscles nice and toned will help define your stomach, so they are worth doing... plus, they are simple and easy to do! Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and cross your arms in front of your body. Twist all the way to the right, then all the way to the left. Do this for a minute day, any time, anywhere. To up the intensity, hold your arms out in front of you, then bend at the elbow so your forearm is at right angles to your upper arm. Twist with your arms in this position, and hold soup cans to add some extra oomph to the workout.

Jumping Jacks – 2 min.

Even if you have super toned abs, the fat on top of them can create an unsightly bump. Bringing your body fat level down can be done with a little cardio and some healthy eating choices. To boost your metabolism and help burn fat, jumping jacks are ideal. You can do them just about anywhere, as well. Running in place can be substituted for this on alternate days if you get bored of jumping jacks.

By doing these easy exercises each day, you’ll find that your stomach will get flatter fairly fast and love handles will disappear. Eating healthier and cutting back on refined sugars and fats will help you reach your goal of having a flat tummy even faster.

Jason Ladock

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Weight Loss Instructions

Obesity is a growing concern in today’s world. By following the given weight loss instructions you can lose weight and maintain a steady weight throughout.

Chinese Diet Tea

With the intake of Chinese diet tea one can reduce weight and can live slim and trim. Chinese diet tea causes rapid and substantial weight loss. Chinese diet tea prevents the formation of body fat. Experts say that intake of Chinese diet tea significantly increase energy expenditure and also significantly effect on fat oxidation. Chinese diet tea does not contain caffeine that’s why it does not affect heart rate. So it is safe and highly helps in weight loss.


Intake of water helps weight loss. Water has no calories, cholesterol and fat. Studies showed that a high consumption of water does not allow more fat to be deposited inspite of being metabolized into energy and helps in weight loss. So, increasing of water consumption will prohibit fat deposition and in this way you obtain weight loss. Eight to twelve glasses of water help in weight loss.

Free Diet Plans

Free diet plans are also helpful in weight loss for those people who are busy and don’t have time for shopping and preparing their own meal. Free diet plans are mostly prepared on the recommendation of dietician and nutritionist. Hence, these are specially organized for athletes and dieters as they contain less fat and calories. As a result, by using free diet plans you can lose weight and maintain it steadily.

Balanced and Nutritious Diet

With balanced and nutritious diet one can lose weight. Balanced and nutritious diet should be according to your own body need. If you want to take balanced and nutritious diet then you must take exclude fat from your diet and should include juicy fruits, green leafy vegetables, roughages, cereals and brown bread which is free from fat and full of proteins.


Oliver Turner

Hi, my name is Oliver Turner. I have been hiring people who have a phenomenal expertise to get the right data, make the right research and give you only the right knowledge you need to know on various subjects. Check it out on